
Marketing in the Moment: Getting the Payoff With Advanced Personalization [CustomerThink]

Written by Eagle Eye | 17 September, 2023

Joel Percy, Regional Director of North America at Eagle Eye, delves into the burgeoning trend of personalisation within the grocery industry and looks at how a deep commitment to personalisation can significantly influence customer behaviour, thereby boosting the financial performance of grocery brands that go all-in on this approach.

Referencing Eagle Eye’s 2023 report, Grocery’s Great Loyalty Opportunity, Joel’s article spotlights several core shopping habits that are changing how the average consumer shops amidst the backdrop of rising inflation and interest rates.

The article also looks at the strategic use of customer data to better understand the grocery sector’s target demographic and strategies for captivating shoppers by offering greater value and crafting shopping experiences that drive deeper and lasting loyalty.

Eagle Eye CEO Tim Mason also introduces the concept of "Marketing in the Moment," a strategy that represents the next evolution in personalisation and empowers retailers to engage in context-based marketing that can significantly enhance customer loyalty.

Retailers who have adopted Marketing in the Moment are already seeing remarkable results, outperforming their competitors by as much as 30%. For businesses in the retail sector, embracing this trend is becoming increasingly essential for success and growth in a competitive marketplace.

Check out Joel’s other insights on advanced personalisation and context-based marketing in Marketing in the Moment: Getting the Payoff with Advanced Personalization.